Integration of 21st century skills in the Bhutan curriculum
Although there is a growing body of literature on how to integrate 21st century skills in the curriculum, little is known about integration of 21st century skills in the Bhutanese school and higher education settings. This study sets out to explore the possibility of integrating 21st century skills in the Bhutanese curriculum.
First, this study investigated a few Bhutanese school curricula in depth to better understand which elements of 21st century skills are integrated and how much integration can be seen in the existing curriculum. A variety of methods were employed, including document analysis, and a focus group discussion between team members and the participating countries. Second, a feasibility analysis was conducted through online interaction, discussion, and assignments to explore the existing challenges and issues related to education within the participating countries.
The study highlighted that the general grade eight science curriculum as well as particular subjects’ curriculum (Social studies and English) has some elements of 21st century skills reflected in the learning outcomes and assessment.
However, most of the learning outcomes, instruction and assessments mentioned in the grade 8 general science and other school curricula failed to illustrate in detail how these skills should be aligned and operationalized. Furthermore, the skill of collaboration was minimally addressed. The report also indicated that such issues can be attributed to the lack of required expertise in the curriculum development field
and the lack of alignment between the school curriculum and courses offered at the colleges of education. Thus, the study recommends the need for enhancement of skills and revamping of school curriculum and programmes offered in the colleges of education as they are imperative for successful education.
To continue the work started in this Learning Cycle, further support is needed to implement the proposed strategic plan described in this paper which will raise the quality of teaching and learning materials with respect to 21st century skills.