Integration of 21st Century Skills in the Nepal curriculum
In this case study we reviewed the extent to which 21st century skills (21 CS) have been integrated across the education system in Nepal so far and took a deeper look at coverage within elements of the curriculum.
We first conducted a needs analysis to review the necessary steps towards the integration of 21 CS into the Nepalese curriculum. Opportunities for 21 CS were identified in the existing curriculum based on the National Curriculum Framework. Five major skills and 29 soft skills are presented in the curriculum. These skills are not divided into strands or aspects. Rather, they are described as major skills and soft skills. To identify opportunities for skills in assessments, the Education Review Office has been developing standardised tests for grades 5, 8 and 10. A review of existing and potential classroom activities has not yet begun.
The needs analysis highlighted the key issues in implementing the curriculum; (i) mismatch in intention, implementation and learned outcomes, (ii) lack of proper training and orientation to the materials, (iii) lack of professional development programmes, (iv) issues of classroom management, classroom structure and classroom culture, (v) change of mode of assessments from summative to formative, and
limited training provided to the teachers and parents about the assessments.
Next, we carried out a skills audit to provide insight into how the skills are currently being integrated into learning goals. The skill audit was done for the curriculum of grade 3 in the topic Mero Serofero or ‘Our ‘Surroundings’. As this topic is comprised of four subjects, the learning area was divided based on these topics. Analysing the science learning area, we found that there are six topics and 17 learning outcomes. Although there was only one learning outcome related to critical thinking, our team identified five critical thinking skills. Last, we brought all the elements of analysis together to form a strategic plan for further integrating skills into the curriculum and the system more broadly. The strategic plan consists of ten phases:
1. Formation of a team to design a 21 CS framework
2. Situation analysis
3. Devising a 21 CS framework based on identified needs
4. Determination of vision and mission
5. Developing curricula to achieve vision and mission
6. Outlining the pedagogical process and assessment
7. Piloting of prepared curricula
8. Preparing both physical and human resources
9. Disseminating provisioned curricula, pedagogy and
10. Implementation, monitoring and further step based on