Synthesis note of KIX EAP learning cycle 1 feasibility studies on scaling innovations
KIX EAP Learning Cycle Synthesis Note

Synthesis note of KIX EAP learning cycle 1 feasibility studies on scaling innovations

March 2022

Educational innovations may help facilitate an educational system’s success, but research on scaling educational innovations remains scarce. Even less is known about multilayered nationwide implementation of innovations targeting different or all levels of an education system.

Against this backdrop, NORRAG, as a learning partner of the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), set out to help facilitate evidence-based knowledge generation on the feasibility of scaling innovations. In the professional development course ‘Feasibility Study on Scaling Innovation’ – along with education sector experts from Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan – nine national case studies were conducted.

The present paper synthesises six of the insightful cases studies related to successful education innovations, illustrating the complex interaction between innovations and context, as well as deriving universal recommendations for scaling beyond the national context. The following questions are addressed: (1) What innovative elements were successful and which enabling factors contributed to the success? (2) How can innovative elements be scaled according to depth, sustainability, spread and ownership?

In the following chapters, we first introduce the studies’ background, including a definition of innovation and the conceptual framework for scaling educational innovations based on Coburn (2003). Second, we summarise the six case studies, demonstrating the innovation, context, successful elements and approaches for scaling. Finally, based on the case studies’ results and the conceptual framework, we synthesise the general relevant factors regarding the feasibility of scaling successful innovations. The synthesis highlights the particular relevance of culture in continuous learning, teachers as agents of scaling, networks with a common vision and the researchpractice link for sustainable scaling of educational innovations. The present study was made possible by the International Development Research Centre and the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) initiative. NORRAG (Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training), as one of KIX’s regional learning partners, offered a professional development opportunity to national education sector experts from 21 GPE partner countries in the Europe, Asia and Pacific (EAP) region on the topic of scaling innovation.