2012: The Year of Global Reports on TVET, Skills and Jobs: Consensus or Diversity?
This special issue of NORRAG News is devoted to TVET, skills and jobs. The reason for selecting this topic is twofold. First, 2012 was the year in which many (global) reports were published on skills and jobs by the World Bank Group, UNESCO, OECD, the International Labour Organisation, the G20, McKinsey and others. Second, discussions are gaining momentum concerning future development agendas post-2015, including the future of the Education For All (EFA) goals and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Given the number of global reports which have focused on Skills, TVET, Employment and Jobs in 2012, it is surprising that these have not (yet) translated into clear proposals for goals or targets for the next development agenda. This raises the question concerning whether there is a case for what could be called ‘a skills goal’ in the next global development agenda. Reading through the many different articles, it seems that working towards a greater effectiveness of TVET and skills training in a global context, will indeed most likely be on the next agenda. In this context, this issue makes evident the clear need for an agreement on concepts and definitions as well as the required increase in high quality research which can inform the decision-making process of TVET policy makers and practitioners and thus ultimately shape the future development agenda.
Contents include:
- Overview Comments on Global Reports and TVET in General
- EFA GMR 2012 - Youth and Skills: Putting Education to Work
- Transforming TVET: The Main Working Document for Shanghai and the World TVET Report
- Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Lives
- World Development Report 2013: Jobs
- The World at Work: Jobs, Pay and Skills for 3.5 Billion People
- G20 Training Strategy and Tree
- Education and Training for Rural Transformation - Skills, Jobs, Food and Green Future to Combat Poverty
- Innovative Secondary Education for Skills Enhancement
- Skills Development for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Developing Asia-Pacific
- African Development Bank - A view and Assessment of Technical and Vocational Skills Development Policies and Practices in Africa
- Education and Skills in the Post-2015 MDG and EFA Agendas